
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Pawleys Island Beach House

     Estelle Anderson and her daughters, Peggy and Karen, have taken to the idea of renting a beach house ON the ocean somewhere between Charleston and Myrtle Beach in March.  Estelle, as long time readers will remember, is a second mother to Durelle.  She made our wedding cake and a replica for our 50th anniversary party.  Here on the South Carolina coast, in the off season you can get a four bedroom, 2 story (above the stilts) with wifi and an elevator for $2500 per month!  Here's a couple of shots from their deck.

     It was a pleasant visit enhanced by the fact that Cindy joined us.  After a too brief visit, we adjourned to the Caledonia Golf and Fish Club for lunch. 

And a lovely lunch it was.  We were seated on a glassed-in porch overlooking the marsh.  Our waitress was named Cindy Marie which is Cindy's middle name as well.  It is an elegant old club with a life oak lined driveway just dripping with Spanish moss

 and some of the handsomest crepe myrtles I have seen.  This was not your "club sandwich and a beer" type of golf course restaurant.  Most folks (except for Estelle and I) had substantial doggie bags.
     I was outnumbered 5 to 1, but I tried to uphold the male gender.  Here's a shot of the five ladies.


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