
Sunday, May 5, 2019

CNN Screen Shot

     Would you believe it took a CNN screenshot to get me off my duff and do another blog? My favorite daughter has become a political junkie. She listens to lots of podcasts and is a major league twitter follower.  As she is of a more liberal bent than her curmudgeonly father, we find agreement only on the outrageous judgement and character of our twitter-in-chief. She has been diligently going to listen to all of the Democratic candidates as they make their requisite passes through South Carolina on their way to the 2020 campaign trail. Today she went to see Pete Buttigieg. He's one of her favorites, but Elizabeth Warren is probably her first choice. At any rate, one of Cindy's coworkers captured a screenshot of a CNN feed from that event. I thought you might enjoy Cindy "photobombing" the CNN commentator

     Tomorrow Mark arrives for a short week. The four of us are going to discuss our move into a senior living facility in November. We also hope that he'll get to repair the screens on Cindy's porch so that her new kitten, Skyler, can enjoy the outdoors. Of course the old man will always have some computer questions. Perhaps the most momentous event of the week will be Mark's climbing into my old Corvette, taking possession and heading north. The 33 year old car is is fine shape and I certainly hate to part with it. It only has 130,000 miles on it. Time passes.