
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Davenport, Iowa

     Forgive another day with no pictures.  It is partly due to a 350 mile day, and partly due to trying to figure out how to take a dramatic picture of a cornfield that extends to the horizon.  Actually, I'll take one tomorrow that shows a field of alfalfa, I think, that abuts the campground and does indeed extend to the horizon.  It's hard for an old New Englander to appreciate.
     Knowing that it was going to be a long, hot day, we were rolling at 0745.  By the way, the anomalous behavior of the jacks in Lincoln, NE appears to be history.  Knock on wood.  As we traversed Iowa from west to east on I-80, Durelle was monitoring the leaderboard from the British Open instead of tracking our progress on the DeLorme navigational system.  We arrived and were set up in Davenport, IA by 1500.  We bought fuel today for the first time since 2 June (at $3.869).  It is hot.  the mercury is in the high 90s and the heat index is well into triple digits.
     After I came in from finishing the setup process, Durelle said, "I'd like you to try one more time to see if the Kingdome can find the satellite."  I had rebooted 3-4 times in the past to no avail.  Muttering something about "doing the same thing again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity", I unplugged the Kingdome, waited a while, and plugged it in again so that it would have to re-initialize in a new location.  We could still not hear the servo system.  Perhaps the drone of two A/Cs was a factor.  All of a sudden, we heard some audio and, lo and behold, we watched the tail end of the women's soccer world championship.
     So, here we are in Davenport because of an appointment with a Kingdome dealer.  We'll try to verify operation tomorrow morning and/or cancel the appointment.  I think we'll stay with our current reservations.  We'll take advantage of the Commissary and BX at the Rock Island Arsenal, do some wash, and wander around the quad cities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean you could reach a destination without a computerized map telling you how to? How does that work? Sarcasm intended.
your kid