
Monday, December 15, 2014

We're still here

     When we are not travelling, most of the photo-ops come from our back yard.  This morning, while we were watching the deer, a great blue heron descended into the pond like some sort of seaplane.  Soon we had an unusual juxtaposition of wildlife.

     The first one was a "snap" shot as I walked out to the fence in case one or the other objected to my presence.  Note the Christmas lights in the foreground.  Neither critter seemed spooked so I proceeded to the fence for some more pictures.

     Durelle's cataract surgery has had no ill after effects except that her glasses now have only one lens.  She is looking forward to doing the left eye in January.  I'm still waiting for all the preliminary test results before a consultation with a spinal surgeon.  The last test will be a vascular study because of poor circulation in my feet.  The PA could not find a pulse there.  The MRI shows extensive cartilage degeneration amongst the five lumbar vertebrae.  In addition, a couple of vertebrae pairs are not in proper alignment.  I am learning new words like "stenosis" and "listhesis".  I am most fortunate to have a friend and classmate who is a senior orthopedic surgeon at New York Presbyterian.  He is providing a most valuable, informal second opinion as we go along.  I'm anxious to complete the diagnosis process so that I can deal with whatever course of action is indicated.  I'll keep you posted.


Missouri said...

We can't wait to get back on the road again ourselves. The photos from your own backyard are beautiful - fantastic wildlife.

Noel Leonard said...

Some of the best images we have are from our own yard - but traveling adds diversity to our collection.

Unknown said...

You'll have to let me know how your vascular study goes!