
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Belfast Harbor

     Tuesday night was a pleasant, but smaller, happy hour. Many folks have left. I noticed that the sky was filled with high-altitude alto-cirrus clouds. These are the wispy, feathery things that often preface a storm by 48 hours. They are composed of ice crystals. The whole sky was covered with them, but by the time I retrieved the camera they had diminished.

     At the same time, in the west, there were some puffy alto cumulus that looked like popcorn as they were illuminated by the already descended sun which had disappeared behind the trees.

     As I said, it was a pleasant but smaller happy hour. Notice a couple of relaxed dogs.

     Every afternoon, when I drive across the Route 1 bridge over the Passagassawaukeag River, I say that when the sun is low and the tide is high, I'll have to come down for a picture of the Belfast Harbor. It's a tough walk for me to park and get out to the center of the bridge. Cindy and I explored options to drop me off in the center of the bridge...not safe. So we did it the hard way with my taking a rest at every power pole. Here's the result of my work.

     We have a couple of big tug boats stationed here.

     We only have a couple of more weeks and we plan to enjoy them.

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