
Monday, May 18, 2009

Farfax, VA

This evening we parked in front of the house of dear friends, Al and Joyce Wegner. They were neighbors who took us under their wings when we first reported to Keesler AFB, Mississippi in the fall of 1960 as brand new "brown bars". Today was an easy drive of just over 225 miles. Driving the rig through the center of downtown Fairfax is not for the faint of heart, but otherwise it was an easy day. We had a fine meal as is typical for Joyce. In the evening their son, Brent, dropped by. We were at USAFA when Brent showed up as a new cadet. We sorta sponsored him until he changed his career goals. It was a good visit. If any of you are traveling I-95 in northern NC, get off at exit 154 to Enfield and pick up a few cans of Aunt Ruby's peanuts. We did. We gave some to Joyce as a hostess gift. The rest are stored under the bed until everyone gets to Belfast. George and Duane, don't take all summer.

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