
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Today we made a visit to my sister, Marian. They are in the process of building their dream house. It is a 4000 square foot log cabin using 12 inch logs from Montana. They have been at it for several years and it will be in it before winter. They will never be done. I won't belabor you with the particulars, but this is NOT your typical log cabin. Hundred mile views are not the sort of thing that you associate with Massachusetts. Wild turkeys are a nuisance and there are bear paw prints on a downstairs window. The two pictures show a current view of the cabin and a view from one of the windows.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a house Mark and I used to build with Lincoln Logs back in the day. Except there's no green plastic tab things. And the view's better.

Rex Good said...

Wow! I want one.

Dan Taylor said...

The best part is the free food you get if you help raise a wall or help in any other way. The coffee always tastes better while watching the kayaks from that living room.