
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Greetings, we have arrived in NH. We are ensconced at the Field and Stream RV Park in Brookline and will be until the 31st. Cindy asked for pictures of lilacs because she has missed them. Well there just happens to be a small lilac bush right in our front yard, so this picture is for you, Cindy. As you can see, Durelle and Belle seem pleasantly relaxed. We pulled out of our Lickdale campsite at 0720! By the time we paid a visit to the dumpster and bought a paper, we were on the road at 0725. That's probably a personal best, but we had a 390 mile day ahead. We had a couple of fairly brief stops and arrived just a few minutes after 1500. We took I-81 to I-84 in Scranton thence east Sturbridge, MA and north on I-290 and I-190 to Leominster, MA then north on route 13 to Brookline. We have emailed the NH clan and are looking forward to a number of visits. We hope to spend the week connecting with NH friends and family for a week or so. Life is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the picture. Now if we can just invent a scratch and sniff option for computer screens. How come my lawn can't look as good as one in a campground?