
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

More Rain

There was a recent joke circulating on the internet (thanks, Ann). It seems that a fellow was waiting in line on judgement day anxious to discover his destination for eternity. It was a long line, and he observed some passing through the pearly gates and others being tossed into a fiery pit. But, in addition, the devil would occassionally yank one out of the line to the fire and set him aside in what appeared to be a waiting area. The anxious observer said, "Pardon me, mister Prince of Darkness, what are those separated folks waiting for?" The devil said, "Oh, those are New Englanders. They are still too wet to burn." Actually, it hasn't been all that bad. Most of the showers have been squall-like and intermittent. Activities have generally proceeded as scheduled. When we are confined, it is not unpleasant. It's a cozy rig...there is satellite TV and books...and I am really enjoying the new Kindle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I can think of worse ways to spend the summer. Jan Burton reports that it was 107 in Norman today.