
Friday, July 16, 2010

A Day on the Water

Today was the windjammer parade in Rockland. Unfortunately, the fog rolled in with the ships so the pictures are not as crisp and colorful as last time. Also, we were further away. Some of the pictures show the breakwater that leads to the Rockland lighthouse. From the end of the breakwater you can almost touch the ships. Rockland is about an hour south of the campground. Meanwhile, about an hour north of the campground, Obama and family arrived on Mount Desert Island. Apparently they did Acadia National Park today. It wasn't a great day for Cadillac Mountain. There is some general cloud cover and frequent morning fog.
Yesterday I had a fun morning. There was a couple, about our age, who were camping in Maine for the first time. He was a long time CIA guy going back to the days when it was the Army Security Agency (ASA). I took the two of them down to the beach at low tide and we harvested about seventy mussels. I explained and demonstrated how to scrub and "debeard" the critters. And I told her how to steam them open with onions, garlic, wine, and oil. She happily reported that they ALL opened. They didn't use pasta, but simply ate them with Italian bread. While we all picked up the mussels, she kept saying,"This is so exciting!"
We are still enjoying our time on the Maine coast. On Tuesday we head to Brookline, NH to spend a few days centered around our 50th anniversary party at the King Phillip Restaurant in Phillipston, MA on the 24th. Actually we were married on 18 June, but logistics set the party date at 24 July.

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